Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Missing in action ~ that was me this last week!!
Thank you to those that wrote to ask me if I was OK.
I am fine and well, albeit another year older ~ but not necessarily any the wiser...lol.
As you have no doubt noticed there were no new pieces last week and for the first time in I can't remember how long I did not cut any glass or even have the kiln on.
It was a behind the scenes kinda week. Book work, sorting out and editing some photos and finally uploading some new pieces to my Artfire studio.
There were about 30 pendants and 12 pendant and earring sets added on Saturday and Sunday.
I've just finished cutting some experimental stuff, and now we have the hum, click, hum, click of the kiln for background music ~ so fingers are crossed for that.
Now it's back to cutting glass for me today.
Have a fantastic week and I'll be back next Saturday :^)

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