It's been a week of mostly doing orders, but I did manage to get a few stock pieces finished too :^)
I have a heap waiting to be engraved and some (hopefully) gorgeous art glass and dichro ones coming up ~ they will still need two more firings yet.
A couple of simple engraved pendant and earring sets. I really like these ~ the pink is a very pretty colour and the bluish set is actually a gorgeous shaded lime/peacock/blue glass. The colour doesn't show up in a photo very well which is a real shame.

Two more of my dimensional slide pendants. The blue in the first one is a really vivid cobalt blue and the purple in the second one is a very definite salmon pink when viewed from the side.

These next two pairs of earrings are for an order ~ these match existing pendants.

This little trio is yet to wired up. I'm going to do these with antiqued brass wire I think.
Then they will be off to their respective homes in the U.S.

The Bead Mavens are having another of their fantastic beading challenges and this is the cabochon I am donating as part of their prize pool.
If you have a chance nick over to their site and have a wander around. You will see some gorgeous work from some amazingly talented people on display!

And lastly, this took a fair chunk of my time this week. Another custom ordered birthday card.
These are pretty intense to do, but probably because I don't do that many I really enjoy it when I do!! It's actually quite a challenge but also fun trying to come up with little bits and pieces to personalise these :^)

cheers ~ Lyn.x.
Blown away with the card. Once again, another masterpiece.
Thank you!!! Glad she liked it :^)
I am in awe of your work, so different from any other glass work I have seen or that I can do.
Thank you Deby for your kind words :^)
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