Sunday, May 30, 2010


WHOO HOO!! Two weeks in a row posting relatively early ~ wonders will never cease!!
These are the pieces that have just started on eBay this morning.
This very first one is the most gorgeous glass! It was supposed to be green/pink. I think they completely forgot the pink part of the equation, but no matter ~ I'm seriously loving this colour. It's a soft silvery green which almost has a mirror finish ~ STUNNING!!!

This little red guy really looks like brocaded satin ~ super shimmery and beautiful :^)

And my last two ~ what can I say?? I'm having a bit of a love affair with soft and pretty :^)
The pink bubbles is a "definitely on the cards" as a recreation (BIGGER) for me.
And lastly ~ I was amazed when this one came out of the kiln!! Usually I have a fair idea of what is going to happen, but this one really surprised me no end. It went in a lot bolder and brighter and came out with what you see. I really love this new glass and I think I've only just scratched the surface with what can be done with it!!

Off to cut some glass now ~ just for something completely different...LOL.
Then pack orders to be posted and maybe just veg out for the rest of the day :^)
Have a great week!!

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