Saturday, August 16, 2008


Ages ago I was asked why I don't have any pictures of my quilts on my blog - there is a very simple answer to that question.
In the days when I was really "into" making quilts I didn't have a decent camera and truth to tell ~ I never thought of it!!
This morning I was sorting through some things and came across a photo taken with a 35mm camera, so I scanned it into the 'puter and here you are ~ one of the very few pics of my sewing :^)
This is a cot quilt I made for our first-born grand daughter. Seminole pieced & all hand dyed fabrics and ivory homespun. Embroidered (chain stitch) with Kody's name and date of birth ~ YES another Cancerian!!!!
Not the greatest picture in the world ~ but at least now I have ONE picture up!!!

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